To Dance the Dance . . .  

To dance the dance of the sensual soul 

is to experience the inner core of you.

To let the seed blossom inside you, 

find the essence of you.


To dance the dance of the sensual soul 

is to listen 

to the voice 

of your self  and your body.


To hear the silence of your blood flowing.

The blood that feeds your life.

To feel the flow of your internal water. 

Feeding your organs, bone, muscle and skin, 

all that is within.

To be patient and to be guided. 


To dance the dance of the sensual soul 

is to breathe.

To give your breath, 

vocation, purpose, and intention.

To let your mind follow your breath.

To let your body follow your breath.


To dance the dance of the Sensual soul 

is to dance with mother earth 

and from mother earth. 






