P1110513Sacredness of the Figure 8

After deep reflection this years theme will be the Sacredness of the Figure 8. We will explore the multi-dimensionality of the figure 8 and it infinite energetic quality. Vertically – connecting Earth and Heaven, Horizontally – connecting the Feminine and Masculine and Sagittally – moving us forward and back through through space, and time.  The Navel hold the centre we fall up and down and side to side.  Falling, yielding, releasing, letting go, enables to come back up to reinvent ourselves to begin again.  Always beginning with the breath and the wave – fluidity in expansion, looking for the weight. 

Date: 17th to 21st January 2015

Time: 9.30 am to 5.30 daily

Place: Dorm 1 Rosina Building,  Abbotsford Convent, Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia

Cost:  $550 – weekend only $250                   Deposit of  $150 is required  to secure place. Total Due 1st December.   As usual an instalment plans is available on request

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Accommodation for interstate and international students  and Transport options 

Melbourne Summer Intensives are a place to really get to know yourself, your body and your dance.

It is a unique approach and I know because my student tell me.  Follow the links to the Testimonials and Workshop Insights and read what participants have to say after and have experienced during the workshop. It is also an opportunity to make new friends who share this journey with Summer intensive 2014you.  To explore where you maybe  have never been before – change old patterns that are no longer useful or that have hampered your growth as a person or a dancer. This experience is really open to anyone and everyone