Dancing Isis Dance!

Transformational Journeys for the Awakening Heart


All of life is born through Movement.

Dance is the free expression of Movement.

Dance can be stimulated by the awareness of the movement of a cell, a finger, or a whole body explosion of inspiration to move with or without music.

Maria Sangiorgi

About Me

I have been driven by curiosity, creative expression and a desire to try everything at least once. 

As soon as I could run I took off. Moving through the fields and rows of grape vines that surrounded me on the flat red earth of Coonawarra in the South East of South Australia.  I live here till I was nearly 5. I explored the landscape, visited neighbours and marvelled at the size of the wine vats in Wynns winery where my father worked.  My mother always looking for me. I loved to sing, at the age of 5 I knew every song on the radio. I danced around the garden, hung upside down from the clothes line and lay on the garage roof with my fathers binoculars for hours looking at the stars. I loved colour, drawing, painting and I as got older I began to sew and crotchet my own cloths. As a young teenager I was the family seamstress and hairdresser. I was also drawn to helping those less fortunate and in need, particularly those with disabilities.

To learn is to experience and that is how I have lived my life.

Maria Sangiorgi

Dance Journeys for the Awakening Heart


Sacred Somatic Dance

Sacred Somatic Dance is informed by the Ancient ones and Embodied Bellydance bought to me over the years of practice and listening.

Commencing March 4 2025

Tuesday fortnightly

11am – 1.30pm

Melbourne Aust

In Presence

Inner Movement Centre Hampton East

& Online



Heart rates available.

Sacred Somatic Dance is a culmination and a 36 year emersion into Traditional Egyptian dance, a deep inner knowing of ancient wisdom and the union of contemporary Somatic practices and body work. This passion of the dance took me to the somatic practices. My body knew that there was a deeper profound connection to the dance. The somatic practices that have informed my work are Alexander Technique, Body Mind Centring, Continuum, Ideokenisis, Feldenkaris & the physical, emotion and spiritual expression of the Endocrine /Chakric System. This marriage became Embodied Bellydance®.gn settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Sacred Somatic Dance is informed by the Ancient ones and Embodied Bellydance bought to me over the years of practice and listening.

What will we be exploring?

The theme this year is TRANSFORMATION  Being your dance your life and the gift that it give you on a Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Relational level,  Always remaining your dance.

In the dance of individuation and relationship to self, as an anatomical physiological body that moves in space. Finding your own ease and grace. The emotional responses that arise and the connection to your divine self.

What does it mean to create shapes with your Bones that occupy your internal space as they shape your physically existence.What do you think about and what do they tell yourself?   How do your emotions play out? How to you tap into being yourself as your spiritual practice? These are some ideas, who knows where the dance will take us. I will be getting clues from you. We will co-create this practice

What does a SSD session look like?

Each session being with an embodiment practice that will take us to the theme. Once theme is establise we move toward the them ane eventually you will be invited to dance you own dance.  

The dance comes to a close with some processing throught writting, or drawing or what ever it is you need to do.

We end in a sharing circle.  

Moving your Astrological blueprint, through Shamanic Astrology

Open to all. 7 Men & Women

Would you like to comprehend your Birth chart in a somatic embodied experiential way, using elements of Shamanic Astrology developed by dear friend Lyndall McQuinn (30 March 1957 to 13 March 2022)

Open to all levels of astrology


Welcoming 7 Women & Men combined


Full moon in Virgo

Begins 2 pm Friday 14th March

Ends 2 pm Sunday 16th March 2025

Friday 2 – 6 pm

Saturday 10 – 6pm

Sunday 10 – 2pm



$525 each

Heart Rate and Instalment plan available 

You are at the centre of the wheel.  Get to know the characteristics of your personal planet, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Ascendent in the signs, in relationship one another and their house placement. We will move through an experiential process of sensing, moving, feeling, dancing, exploring what makes you uniquely you. 

You will need, your Date Time and Place of birth. 

.You may not know you time of birth or exact time. We can work with that. It is harder to work with no idea at all, but if you are happy to work with the Wheel without the ascendant and house positions we can, accepting the information, received will not be as comprehensive, never the less, there will be something to move, to take home

The Wheel Work 

Each participant will have the opportune to work their birth chart. This is done with the participation fo the whole group. The one who’s wheel is being danced will stand in the middle,  each other member will represent a planet and will occupy the planets house position. You will be given tools to do this. Each time there will be a chance to process and share and watch the magic happen.

Basic Accommodation is available

For anyone wanting to stay the night the outlay is $40 pre night which includes breakfast. Lunch and dinner not included



Friday 14th 

2pm arriving/landing. 

Gathering the necessary tools for the coming days work. 

Embodiment movement practices, Dancing and processing.

The Wheel work 

Ends 6pm 


You are welcome to stay for a Full Moon Ritual and a shared meal. 

If you stay please bring a plate for the shared meal 

 Saturday 15th 

Warm up, embodiment, movement practices. 

The Wheel work continues 

Sunday 16th 

The Wheel work continues 

Closing circle 

What to bring 

Comfortable clothing for moving 

Yoga mat or such like 

Note book if needed. 

Paper and writing tools will be provided 

Anything that you need to make your day flow well

Food for lunch on Saturday 











Dance Journeys

A Personalised Journey

A Personalised Journey

In my work I use a combination of skills, founded a life of self enquiry and personal study of healing and metaphysical arts. I am a trained Functional Analysis Body Psychotherapist and a Dance Movment Therapist. In my holding is a wisdom that came before that.  A...

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Embodied Bellydance

Embodied Bellydance

Online Group & Private Classes Welcome to the world of embodiment throughout bellydance and the ancient wisdom of movement combined with modern somatic awareness and experientially anatomy. If you have never experienced what my teaching is about and how it can...

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Sensing Feeling Dancing SELF in a Climate of Great Change

Sensing Feeling Dancing SELF in a Climate of Great Change

SensingFeelingDancing what arrises in a bath of breath, movement, heart connectives, time, space, sound, colour and cellular awareness, through deep creative processes and music. The purpose of this dance is to find and create insights, connectivity,  resources and...

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Dance Movement Therapy

As defined by the Dance Movement Therapy Associaton of Australasia:

Dance Movement Therapy is the relational and therapeutic use of dance and movement to further the physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and cultural functioning of a person.

Dance movement therapy is based on the empirically-supported unity of body and mind. It recognises that change and growth in one supports change and growth in the other.


Moving the Matrix 2025

Moving the Matrix 2025

Dear Wo-Men   Today is new moon in Capricorn and its New Years Eve!!. I am reminded that at the next new moon, which is 4 weeks away, when the moon will be in Aquarius, conjunct the Sun and Pluto, also featuring a bunch of other astrological events that make this...

SensingFeelingDancing the Chakras for DTAA

SensingFeelingDancing the Chakras for DTAA

Dance movement exploration Maria Sangiorgi Maria: dmt and esoteric healing certs., Egyptian dancer and teacher began her training in Egyptian Dance (Raqs Sharqi) in 1989.  Her classes are called Embodied Bellydance,with a focus on body awareness, and workshops...

Return to Isis

Return to Isis

Dancing Isis Moves in me. Isis the queen, the mother, lives in the hearts of all of us in many faces, manifestation, and semblances. The time of Isis past revealed itself to me at Dendera the Temple of Hathor in Egypt in June 2007, but not in the temple itself. I was...


What People Are Saying

Have been doing Maria’s workshop for many years.

Maria is one of those very special teachers/guide that I was so lucky to meet on my path in life to my higher self.

Her knowledge is so expansive as she uses all different modules blended together from breathwork, yoga, dancing relaxation, meditation,  continuum, somatic and much much more.

Whatever is needed for the individual at that time.

Maria is very gentle, creative and works to heal & help each and everyone in the classes or private sessions,  to achieve the best of their abilities as she assists them to go in a very deep deep space,  clearing  deep trauma, stress, tension, general wellbeing and what is called Life.

I never hesitate recommending Maria strongly to friends, family and colleagues.
Maria is a true healer and am so grateful to have met her when I did.

Toni Wall, Travel Agent & Yoga Teacher, Australia

Over the past couple of decades I have attended Workshops conducted by Maria in Melbourne, Egypt and Bali, and I have also worked as her assistant on a number of her Melbourne workshops.

As a visual artist, I do not come from a dance/movement background – and I have found Maria’s approach very intriguing. I knew her initially as a teacher of Middle Eastern dance – and I have observed her extend her practice into a whole new realm of body awareness.

For myself, the process has been confronting at times, both physically and emotionally – enlightening, exhilarating, bewildering and profound. Maria has a deep knowledge of the human body – particularly the feminine body – and a way of explaining and demonstrating different techniques in a way that is very accessible.

In her teaching Maria accesses a store of knowledge developed over three decades of enquiry and is able to respond very intuitively in the moment to what happens in the room. This gives her workshops a very organic flow – every participant is held in a loving and informed embrace.

For myself – I feel as if I have been inducted into a whole new way of inhabiting my body, of feeling and responding …and I have always enjoyed the interactions with the other women who attend her workshops – some of whom have been attending for years – a great tribute to Maria’s inclusive approach to sharing her passion for movement and dance.

Kate Osborne
Director, Tara Creative Centre
Senior Artist, Somebody’s Daughter Theatre, Australia

I met Maria in 2013, the first time she came to Japan. From that time I gradually started to focus more on my body – mind connection.

Before then, I had felt disconnected from my body. at the time I didn’t understand why. I used to speak of this with other people, but nobody could comprehend what I was talking about.

In fact I felt discombobulated that I felt that my body and mind weren’t unified.

When I joined that first workshop, I received so much important feedbacks about the way I moved and danced, from there I began to develop my body – mind connection.

This was also the first time that I experienced a connection between the ground and the center of my body. I began to feel more and more alive. My mental state changed and I was better able to deal my anxiety, for this I am very grateful

I had a lot of worries and feelings of instability around the relationship I had with my mother. This experiencing was reflected in the way I danced and moved. Maria’s work helped me realise this. The interaction with my mother is still problematic, but working with Maria has helped me to organise my mental state and get close to a solution.

Dancing has a positive effect on my spirit. The more I feel the connected and supported by the ground, the more I feel a connection to my soul

Thought my growing awareness of the the Body, Mind and Soul connection, I became interested in the therapeutic aspect of dance. I am now training in dance movement and dance therapy.

Yuki Okubo, Kindergarten Teacher, Bellydance Teacher, Japan

Maria’s dance workshop was sensual and meditative, pleasurable and profound. She guided us through layers of self and body wisdom, to get us moving from inner impulses and inner truth. She’s a natural teacher, relaxed and focused and attentive to each woman in the group according to where we each were in ourselves and our lives. Beautiful days.

Merilee Bennett. Artist, Writer, Therapist, Austalia

Maria promotes a great perception of the emotional states that are expressed through the body. She accompanies people with profound sensitivity to meet their difficulties and their pain and gently supports them in self-knowledge and transformation.

Her work accelerates the therapeutic process in the psychological field, as it helps people to be more receptive and available to therapy.

Simona Ginelli, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Shiatizu Therapist, Italy

I am not personally a dance movement therapist but have worked with many in the field over my years in sacred dance. Maria exemplifies what I think dance movement therapy is all about – diving deeply into the emotional, physical, cognitive and social aspects of living in our bodies. She is always professional, has vast knowledge in many areas and the quality of her work is top notch.

Wendy Morrell, President of the International Sacred Dance Guild, Canada

consciousness through movement

Maria is one of those deeply embodied individuals who is comfortable bringing the unconscious up into consciousness through movement and dance. If you follow her, she can lead you into a deep place within yourself, uncovering a lovely richness in your own journey

Marylee Hardenbergh, Dance Movement Therapist, Global Site Performance , USA